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Leasing & Membership

Shunka with mallards
wes hunt photo of mallet

Membership Types

Two types of  leases are available at Ozotiowe:

1. Exclusive lease: Allows one group to lease all of Ozotiowe for one year. This type of lease is preferred by most as your group will have Ozotiowe to yourselves.

2. Individual lease: If an exclusive lease is not in place for the year, Ozotiowe may be leased to up to three smaller groups (not to exceed 5 hunters/group). Each group is expected to hunt together. Hunting will be permitted three days per week (Sat-Sun-Wed), holidays, and as negotiated with all three groups.  A draw will be held by management a couple of days before the hunt if multiple groups are scheduled. Late arrivals will be managed as needed so that everyone has a great recreational adventure. 

Day hunts and sub-leases will not be permitted at Ozotiowe.


Fee Structure and Pond Flooding


     Regardless of the type of lease, the fee is negotiated and fixed (except for the additional fees listed below). One half of the fee (non refundable) is due upon signing the lease. The rest of the fee is due by September 1 of the year. Leases may be renewed from year to year.   

      Your fee will include initial flood up of ponds 1-3 and 5 for the season opener, additional pumping of water to maintain the water levels in the ponds will be an additional fee.

       Ponds 4, 6, and 7 cannot be filled with pumped water due to the soil conditions under the ponds. These three ponds fill when Big Creek reaches flood stage around the middle of  December.


Lease Agreement & Liability Release

        If an exclusive lease is issued to a single group (LLC, Corporation, or other similar entity), a signed lease agreement will be required with a signature by a single responsible manager.

        If an individual lease is negotiated with the three smaller groups, all members of the group will be required to sign the lease agreement.                   

        Members and guests will be required to sign a liability release before entering Ozotiowe for the first time. Members are responsible for assuring that guests sign a liability release and pay the fee (if applicable) before entering Ozotiowe.  

Club Rules & Access Requirements

        Ozotiowe Adventure Club's rules are posted herein. The rules are in place not as restrictions, but to assure that everyone has a quality and safe outdoor experience. Potential members are encouraged to read the rules so there are no surprises after a lease agreement is signed. 

6 pond 3 feb
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